Build the MATH behind the message.
The leader in Customer Value Management and the founding fathers of Value Engineering:
$6 Billion+ in total contract value
120+ SaaS company clients
Value analyses over 65% for Fortune 1000s successfully delivered
Industry thought leaderss"

Over the past 14 years working with IntelliCap, they have delivered Customer Value Management solutions that helped us de-commoditize our solutions, deliver competitive differentiation content, grow account footprints from department to enterprise deployments, enrich our value propositions with compelling Math and business cases, and drive seven and eight-figure deals as part of our deal SWAT teams. They are a fixture in all of my GTM playbooks!
~ Michael Londgren, CMO, Seismic & five-time IntelliCap customer

Founded in 2002 as the original architects of the SAP Value Engineering Program, IntelliCap has grown from our initial role of developing deeply credible pre-sales business cases to justify new software Subscriptions, to the Customer Value Management Platform - quantifying SaaS value throughout the entire Customer Lifecycle.
SaaS companies need to execute on many levels including delivering predictable revenue, lowering cost of sales, defending pricing, elevating their engagements to the Economic Buyer levels, have a compelling value proposition that demonstrates a rapid and substantial payback, and enabling their Sales teams to deliver on all of the above. The IntelliCap Customer Value Management Platform designs, develops, delivers and supports leading SaaS companies to fulfill these critical needs and "get-to-market" producing free cash flow and profitability in a manner and timeline expected by investors, markets, and ultimately, their customers.

All businesses measure their performance in dollars and cents. Therefore, any problem they are experiencing or opportunity they are missing can be expressed in financial terms. Until you quantify that impact, you are dealing with a highly speculative issue.
~ "Mastering the Complex Sale"
by Jeff Thull


IntelliCap is ready to best serve you.
Doug Wetzel
203.952.5535 | dwetzel@intellicap.com
Bob Foote
614.975.0160 | bfoote@intellicap.com
For general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: